Deutsche Version
Deutsche Version


Contact: info@friendlyGIS.com

Copyright© friendlyGIS ® GmbH 2000-2010

Last update: January 1st, 2011


-->Payment methods


The following prices apply for licencing the software (all prices in Euro, 1 Euro equals roughly 1.19 US-$ by December 2003). In Germany or member countries of the European Community, add sales tax of currently 16%.

Product available Special features Price
SW-Lookup® 2.05 One-year-licence 12/08/2003 Search engine, output of graphical and alphanumerical data, configuration by menu, zoom- und pan functions, overview window, object list for navigation. Includes service and updates for 12 months. 800,- Euro / year up to Jan. 31st, 2004. Later, 960,- Euro per year.
SW-Lookup® 2.05 Permanent licence 12/08/2003 Permanent right to use the software, including service and updates for 12 months. 2.500,- Euro up to Jan. 31st, 2004. Later, 3.000,- Euro once
SWLookup® 2.05 service fee Service and upgrades for 12 months, necessary only for the permanent licence after the 12th month after purchase. 450 Euro/year


friendlyGIS ® is a small company, so the capacities for direct support are limited. However, if dates are available, we can provide development personnel for individual adjustment of the system either on-site or in our own office. Feel free to send us a request by email!

If you want to accept our service offer, the following prices apply:

Service scope Price
Installation, adjustment to your special needs or to your data model, on-site: 800 Euro per day,
plus expenses
Adjustment to your needs, if we can do this in our own office on agreement (please inquire)


-->Payment methods